I want to create a new patient account in the RocheDiabetes Care Platform.
Creating a new patient account in the RocheDiabetes Care Platform is very simple:
Login to your account and click on Create new patient.
Fill in the required information.
Click Continue.
Fill in the optional information.
Click Create patient.
You may also create a new patient account using a sharing code.
First, ask your patient to generate and share their code from mySugr® app.
If your patient requires assistance to generate their code, please follow this article:
Login to your account and click on Create new patient.
Type in your patient’s code in the “Sharing code” field and click Validate.
Review the patient information on the new popup window, and click Connect.
Then, click Continue.
Fill in the optional information, and click on Create patient.
Note: Please note that entering an incorrect sharing code 3 times will block this feature for 30 minutes. However, you may continue using the RocheDiabetes Care Platform.