Explore our Latest Updates

Starting April 2024, the RocheDiabetes Care Platform will gradually receive some updates. In this section, you can read about them and check out the How-to articles.

  • Refreshed user interface and new navigation
    • These changes will help you find what you need more intuitively and see the necessary information at a glance. When you first log into the portal, you will see a welcome banner where you can read more about the new navigation.
  • Data sharing - Changes when a patient stops sharing
    • Starting with our previous release, you can connect your patients’ accounts and data to your patient records. Previously, when a patient chose to stop sharing their data, all the data shared by them was no longer visible to you. With this release, when a patient pauses their data sharing with your center all the medical data already shared with the center will continue being available to you, while new medical data by the patient will not be shared unless the patient restores the data sharing, in which case all their historical data will be accessible even if it was generated in the period that they were not sharing data with you. Medical data uploaded by a professional user in a center via Device Link will be visible at all times, regardless of the patient’s data sharing status.
  • HI & LO values (BGM) are now displayed
    • With this release, you will be able to see if there is any HI or LO value for BGM devices for your patient in the selected period of time, by displaying an alert banner on the top-right section of the screen. They will be reflected in the Logbook and included in all the calculations and statistics that are not numeric.
  • New languages
    • Czech, Lithuanian, Romanian and Slovene are now available.


October 2023