How to install Device Link Software in silent mode


I want to run the Device Link Software Silent Installer.


To install Device Link Software in silent mode, follow the steps below.

  • The Device Link Software can now be installed remotely, in silent mode, and without any user interaction.

    Before you run the installer, take into account that:

    • it is only compatible with Windows.
    • the silent mode is only available for hospitals.
    • the setup file must be stored on the destination computer and launched via the command line.


    To enable the silent mode, add these new parameters to the setup installer:

    • Silent (required): Launches the installer in silent mode.
    • AppLang=<code> (optional): Specifies the culture code to use in the installation (see the table with the supported language codes).
    • InstallFolder=<path> (optional): Indicates the installation path for Device Link.


    To upgrade Device Link to a new version, you need to close it first. The language and the installation folder will be the same as in the previous installation.


    The installation process may stop if:

    • the installation’s language is not supported.
    • the installation’s path is not accessible.
    • the setup is not executed with Windows administrator privileges.


    You can find the installer's log here: C:\Users\<LoggedUser>\AppData\Local\Temp\Device Link_<datetime>.log

    During the Device Link installation, the SINOVO Connection Center (SCC) also launches in silent mode. You need to modify the Device Link installer project (WinInstaller) to include the following parameter in the Scc.wxs file: SILENTMODE="true"

    If an error is raised during the SCC installation, a log file should be created in the same path as Device Link: C:\Users\<LoggedUser>\AppData\Local\Temp\SCC_<datetime>_Installer.log


    The supported language codes are as listed below:

    Language Code
    English (UK) en-GB
    English (US) en-US
    French fr
    French (Canada) fr-CA
    German de
    Italian it
    Polish pt
    Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
    Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT
    Spanish es
    Spanish (Argentina) es-AR
    Catalan ca
    Danish dk
    Dutch nl
    Swedish se
    Norwegian no
    Finnish fi